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Please submit your papers and/or extended abstracts electronically using the EasyChair conference management system. The submission system will open on October 1, 2024. A manuscript should only be submitted to one track. For up-to-date information about the conference and related events, please check the conference website. Any questions regarding this call for papers should be addressed to the appropriate track chair(s) or the Program Chairs.  


We welcome two types of submissions:


Competitive Sessions – Two types of submissions are allowed in competitive sessions:


  1. full paper submissions which must be 50 double-spaced pages or less, inclusive of all materials, including appendices and references.

  2. shorter submissions (i.e., extended abstracts) focusing on projects that are advanced enough and show good potential. 


Interactive Sessions – Shorter manuscripts or work-in-progress pieces that could benefit from informal feedback from other participants are appropriate for submission to the interactive sessions. These sessions are held in poster-style or roundtable discussion format that allows for interaction with other researchers with similar interests. Interactive submissions can be of an extended abstract nature and no more than 10 double-spaced pages.

Submission Guidelines

There are many different ways to write a conference paper. Most journals have their own requirements around specific length, document type, and font details of pieces being submitted for publishing. We follow the American Marketing Association Journals’ submission guidelines for the most part. 


It is important to note that the information covered in a conference paper is closely related to the oral presentation that the author is hoping to make at the conference.


Formatting Your Papers

File Types: Word or PDF; if your manuscript was created in LaTeX, please upload a PDF. 

Font (including references): 12-point Times New Roman (or 12-point LaTeX font) 

Text: Double-spaced (tables and references may be single-spaced) 

Page Layout: 1-inch margins on all sides with no page numbers, line numbers, or header/footer 

Page Maximum: 50 pages for FULL PAPER & 10 pages for EXTENDED ABSTRACT, properly formatted and inclusive of title, abstract, keywords, text, footnotes, references, tables, figures, and print appendices (web appendices do not count toward the page limit).


Submission Rules for Papers

  • The Rule of One: Each paper may only be submitted to ONE Track.

  • Original Work and New Work. Submitted papers must not have been published or accepted for publication.

  • If a paper is under review, it must NOT appear in print or online before the conference.  

  • No changes in the paper title, abstract, authorship, and actual paper can occur after the submission deadline.


Symposium Submission Guidelines

The same submission guidelines apply to doctoral consortium submissions. 


Additional Guidelines

To ensure a blind review, authors must avoid revealing their identities in the body or reference section of the paper. Authors should do the following:

  • Do not include a front page with author-identifying information.

  • Remove the author-identifying information from the document’s file properties. In Word, this can be done by using/clicking on the “Properties” feature (use Word’s Help resource for further details on how to use it).


Please note that submitting a manuscript as a competitive paper does not necessarily mean it will end up in a competitive session. The best papers in each track will be placed in the competitive sessions while lesser-developed papers will be placed in interactive sessions. The number of competitive papers we can accept for the conference is limited and therefore sometimes fully developed papers will be placed in an interactive format session due to space considerations.


After Submission​

All competitive manuscript submissions will be subject to a blind review process and will be evaluated based on interest in the international marketing community, relevance to international marketing research, teaching and/or practice, analytical and conceptual rigor, quantitative and qualitative methods (if applicable), innovativeness, and significance of conclusions.

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