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2023 AMA Global Marketing Conference
Santiago, CHILE
May 30-June 2, 2023

2023 AMA Global Marketing SIG Conference
May 30 - June 2, 2023


Edificio Genesis - The Skyscraper Center

Universidad de Chile

Santiago, CHILE


Submission Deadline: December 18, 2022


We look forward to hosting the conference and welcoming you all to Santiago from May 30 to June 2, 2023, join us for an exhilarating academic program, breathtaking views, and stimulating conversations!

Presented By


The GMSIG conference aims to provide all participants with opportunities to hear, think, and contribute creatively to the continuing formation of the global marketing field. 

This year's GMSIG Conference at Santiago, Chile offers outstanding opportunities for academics to share their insights and learn from the global marketing research finding and experiences of others in times of uncertainty. The conference will be filled with interactive, energetic, and enlightening sessions, networking opportunities with the world’s foremost international marketing scholars, and a unique cultural experience in Santiago, Chile. 

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Journal of International Marketing Special Issue – A JIM special issue devoted to research presented at the conference will be published. Authors of presented papers are welcome to submit their work for possible publication in this special issue of the Journal of International Marketing.

Doctoral Consortium – The Consortium will provide a unique opportunity for doctoral students to further develop their research ideas, learn about the challenges of conducting international marketing research and building a successful academic career in this field, and broaden their professional network.

Unique Cultural Experience – The Chilean capital is at the top of the ranking of the cities with the best Quality of Life in Latin America. Santiago offers an experience rich with local history, incredible food and unique traditions all surrounded in jaw-dropping landscapes

Network with the World’s Leading International Marketing Scholars – Several of the world’s leading thinkers in international marketing have confirmed their intentions to participate in the conference.


Please submit your papers and/or extended abstracts electronically using the EasyChair conference management system. The submission system will open and start accepting papers until AAA, 2023. A manuscript should only be submitted to one track. For up-to-date information about the conference and related events, please check the conference website. Any questions regarding this call for papers should be addressed to the appropriate track chair(s) or the Program Chairs.

This Consortium will provide an opportunity for Ph.D. students with an interest in international and cross-cultural marketing (broadly defined) to further develop their research ideas, to learn about the challenges of conducting research in international marketing, and build a successful academic career in this field. In addition, students will be able to broaden their professional networks in the area.

The goal of the Consortium will be to provide a supportive discussion among doctoral students and the participating faculty on topics such as:

  • Trends in international marketing research;

  • Challenges in carrying out high-impact international marketing research aimed at top journals;

  • Managing the dissertation and the job search process; and

  • Starting an academic career.



The capital of Chile, vibrant Santiago, is a bustling city tucked away in a valley surrounded by the Andean foothills. Founded in 1541, Santiago is now a thriving metropolis dotted with fine eateries and top-class hotels.

It is the only city in the world that offers skiing high up in the majestic Andes, followed a mere 90 minutes later by walks on the beach and surfing in the Pacific Ocean.

Guests visiting the Chilean capital are in for a heady mix of exclusive boutiques, sprawling shopping centres, magnificent architecture and discerning residential areas.

Explore the wonders of this vibrant city and discover its museums, theatres, art galleries, fine dining options, nightlife, bustling markets, grand architecture and more.

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All participants in the AMA Global Marketing SIG Conference have to be members of the American Marketing Association and the Global Marketing Special Interest Group. If you are not currently an AMA and Global Marketing SIG member, you will have to become one while registering for the Conference or the Doctoral Consortium. AMA academic and student members can now add multiple SIGs to their AMA membership FOR FREE!


If you are currently an AMA and Global Marketing SIG member, but your membership expires before May 31, 2022, then you will have to renew your membership while or before you register for the Conference. The AMA online payment system provides a number of registration options and allows you to pay for your membership along with your Conference registration fees.


Conference tracks

International Relationship Marketing and Channel Management 

Cross-cultural Consumer Behaviour

Global Marketing Research, Big Data, and Analytics

Global Brand Management

Global Marketing Communications

Export and Import Management

Global Supply Chain

Global Sales Management

Global Ethics, Sustainability, and Corporate Social Responsibility

Firm Internationalization, Market Entry, and Market Exit 

Global Innovation and New Product Development

Global Marketing Strategy

Global Consumer Research

Global Entrepreneurship

Global Retailing, Services, and E-Commerce

International Marketing Education

Special Sessions

It was an absolute pleasure to have you with us in Santiago.

Feel free to download and/or share photos. 



Submission Open: October 1, 2022

Deadline for Submission (Conference & Doctoral Consortium): December 18, 2022

Acceptance notification: January 31, 2023

Author Registration Open: January 27, 2023

Early Bird deadline: March 31, 2023

Conference Dates:  May 30 - June 2, 2023



Kelly Hewett.jpeg

Kelly Hewett

University of Tenessee


Peter Magnusson

University of Texas

Rio Grande Valley


Cristobal Barra

Universidad de Chile

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Costas Leonidou

Open University of Cyprus and University of Leeds 

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Sergio Olavarrieta

Universidad de Chile 

Organizing Committee

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Kelly Hewett

University of Tenessee


Giuseppe Musarra

University of Leeds

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Sergio Olavarrieta

Universidad de Chile 


Karen Tejedor Bowen

University of Leeds

Academic Program Committee


Magnus Hultman

Brock University


Peter Magnusson

The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley


Stavroula Spyropoulou

University of Leeds

Doctoral Consortium Committee


Cristobal Barra

Universidad de Chile


Annie Cui

West Virginia University


Daekwan Kim

Florida State University

Costas Leonidou.jpeg

Costas Leonidou

Open University of Cyprus and

University of Leeds 

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