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Doctoral Consortium

Doctoral and Junior Faculty Consortium

May 31, 2022

Megalo Arsenali - Chania

Crete, Greece


The Doctoral Consortium is a workshop for current Ph.D. students. ​


We welcome participants from all over the world and given the challenges we have all endured over the last year, the AMA Global Marketing SIG aims to offer travel stipends to support current doctoral students who attend and present at the consortium and celebrate the return to in-person conferences.


Please submit your application via the EasyChair conference management system by January 31, 2022.


Participants and Panelists

This Consortium will provide a rare opportunity for young scholars with an interest in international and cross-cultural marketing (broadly defined) to further develop their research ideas, to learn about the challenges of conducting research in international marketing, and to network with like-minded scholars!.


The goal of the Consortium is to provide a supportive discussion on topics such as 1) trends in international marketing research, 2) publishing international marketing research in top journals, and 3) managing your career to be a high-impact researcher and educator.


In addition, participants will have the opportunity to receive feedback on their current research projects as well as ideas and guidance for their future research plans.


​The consortium will consist of a combination of panel discussions with leading scholars in the field and small group research feedback sessions.



In your application, please include: ​

  1. A 1-page letter expressing your interest in participating in the consortium.

  2. A brief 1-page abstract of a current research project focused on international marketing. Please include the title, author information, abstract, keywords, and research summary. The abstract should succinctly cover the research question, theoretical background, research design, and intended contribution. A pictorial illustration of your research model may be included on a second page. To maximize feedback provided to you at the conference, you may be able to submit a more complete paper/presentation closer to the conference.


The submission deadline is January 31, 2022, and please submit your application via the EasyChair conference management system.


Doctoral and Junior Faculty Consortium Co-Chairs

Kelly Hewett, Costas Leonidou, Annie Cui, Peter Magnusson

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