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Doctoral Consortium Program



Monday 20th May



14:30 Welcome/overview – Doctoral Consortium Co-chairs


14:45 Panel discussion: The future of international marketing research and how to build a high-impact research program in international marketing


Participating Faculty:


Moderated by Peter Magnusson, University of Alabama

Kelly Hewett, University of Tennessee

Saeed Samiee, University of Tulsa

Jan-Benedict Steenkamp, University of North Carolina

Gerard J. Tellis, University of Southern California



15:45 Tea and Coffee Break - Foyer



16:00 Breakout sessions with student presentations followed by round table discussions, paired with faculty based on common interests


Participating Faculty:

Moderated by Annie Cui, West Virginia University


Seigyoung Auh, Arizona State University

George Balabanis, City University of London

Fabian Bartsch, IESEG

Annie Cui, West Virginia University

Guillermo D’Andrea, IAE

Adamantios Diamantopoulos, University of Vienna

Peter Gabrielsson, University of Vaasa

Colleen Harmeling, Florida State University

Jan Heide, University of Wisconsin

Martin Heinberg, University of Leeds

Kelly Hewett, University of Tennessee

Hartmut Holzmueller, TU Dortmund

Douglas Hughes, Michigan State University

Magnus Hultman, University of Leeds

Sandy Jap, Emory University

Satish Jayachandran, University of South Carolina

Costas Katsikeas, University of Leeds

V. Kumar, Georgia State University

Costas Leonidou, University of Leeds

Peter Magnusson, University of Alabama

Nicholas Paparoidamis, Leonard de Vinci Business School

Mark Peterson, University of Wyoming

Randall Rose, University of Tennessee

Saeed Samiee, University of Tulsa

Linda Shi, University of Victoria

Jan-Benedict Steenkamp, University of North Carolina

David Stewart, Loyola Marymount University

Gerard J. Tellis, University of Southern California

Tek Thongpapanl, Brock University

Stanford Westjohn, University of Alabama

Goksel Yalcinkaya, University of New Hampshire

Valarie Zeithaml, University of North Carolina

Katharina Zeugner-Roth, IESEG


Ph.D Student Participants:


James Adeniji, University of Leeds

Nasser Alqahtani, Rutgers University

John Balabanis, University of Leeds

Karen Tejedor Bowen, University of Leeds

Ali Çakal, Koç University

Pamela Dhosi, University of Leeds

Sara Fraccastoro, University of Eastern Finland

Triana Rahajeng Hadiprawoto, University of Leeds

Sabrina Heix, TU Dortmund

Valerie Herzog, Vienna University

Rachel Hochstein, Florida State University

Reika Igarashi, University of Leeds

Abbie Iveson, University of Leeds

Hyeyoon Jung, University of Alabama

Richie Karaburun, New York University

Samuel Kusi, University of Vaasa

Mark Mills, University of Leeds

Nasia Nalmpanti, University of Leeds

Dionne Nickerson, Georgia Tech University

Cezara-Alina Nicoara, University of Leeds

Nandini Nim, Georgia State University

Arinze Christian Nwoba, University of Leeds

Oluwaseun Olabode, University of Leeds

Christina Papadopoulou, University of Leeds

Stefania Pareti, Universidad Alcalá de Henares

Yi Peng, University of Alabama

Carla Pennano, Universidad del Pacífico

Aditi Rana, University of Leeds

Sudipto Sarkar, University of Texas Rio Grande Valley

Xin Song, Rennes School of Business

Annette Tower, University of Tennessee

Jenny Tran, IESEG

Merve Turgut, University of Leeds

Arash Valipour, University of Leeds

Chong Yu, University of Leeds

Eleni Zantidou, University of Leeds


17:15 Tea and Coffee Break - Foyer


17:30 Panel discussion: Managing your career and building your academic brand equity. Leading scholars will discuss common mistakes junior scholars make and provide advice on how to approach the career management process.


Participating Faculty:

Moderated by Costas Leonidou, University of Leeds


Colleen Harmeling, Florida State University

Sandy Jap, Emory University

Satish Jayachandran, University of South Carolina

V. Kumar, Georgia State University

David Stewart, Loyola Marymount University



18:30   Consortium concludes


Doctoral Consortium Information

The Doctoral Consortium is a workshop for Ph.D. students from all over the world and will take place prior to the opening reception on May 20, 2019.


This Consortium will provide a rare opportunity for Ph.D. students with an interest in international and cross-cultural marketing (broadly defined) to further develop their research ideas, to learn about the challenges of conducting research in international marketing and building a successful academic career in this field. In addition, students will be able to broaden their professional networks in the area.


The goal of the Consortium will be to provide a supportive discussion among doctoral students and the participating faculty on topics such as:

  • Trends in international marketing research;

  • Challenges in carrying out high-impact international marketing research aimed at top journals;

  • Managing the dissertation and the job search process; and

  • Starting an academic career.


In addition, students will have the opportunity to receive feedback on their current research projects submitted to the conference as well as ideas and guidance for their future research agenda.

The Consortium will consist of a combination of panel discussions with leading scholars in the field, focusing on the topics listed above and small group discussions in which students will share their current projects and receive feedback and guidance. With the goal of facilitating a constructive dialog on the topics listed above, the ideal candidates for the Consortium are doctoral students in international marketing or business who are focusing on developing their research agenda.


Students should apply via the EasyChair conference management system. Please include:

  1. A letter stating your stage in the Ph.D. program and research interests.

  2. Abstract of a current research project focused on international marketing (not to exceed 1 page, single-spaced). Please include the title, author information, abstract, keywords, and research summary. Diagrams, tables, and references should be provided at the end of the document but these don’t count towards the 1-page limit. The abstract should succinctly cover the research question, theoretical background, the proposed research design, and intended contribution.


NOTE: If any candidates have already submitted papers to the conference via one of the tracks, simply state in the letter the title of the submission and the track to which it was submitted. In these cases, it is not necessary to submit a separate abstract in order to apply. Please combine both parts of your application into one file.


A limited number of travel stipends will be available for consortium participants. Please note on your application your need for a travel stipend. The submission deadline is November 18, 2018

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