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Conference Program at Glance

Monday, May 20

  • Arrival to Buenos Aires, transfer to hotel

  • 14:30-18:30 - Doctoral Consortium

  • 19:00-21:00 - Welcome Reception at Four Seasons Hotel: La Mansión


Tuesday, May 21

  • 8:00-12:30 - Concurrent Sessions

  • 12:30-14:00 - Networking Lunch with Interactive Presentations

  • 14:00-15:30 - Concurrent Sessions

  • Free Afternoon to enjoy Buenos Aires!


Wednesday, May 22

  • 8:00-12:30 - Concurrent Sessions

  • 12:30-14:00 - Networking Lunch with Interactive Presentations

  • 14:00-16:45 - Concurrent Sessions


Thursday, May 23

  • SIG Meetings and Professional Development

  • Check-out, transfer to airport!

Conference Program



Monday 20th May 


19:00   Opening Reception for the Main Conference - Four Seasons Hotel: La Mansión


Tuesday 21st May


08:00-09:30 Session 1A Strategic Issues in Global Marketing

Session Chair: Dayananda Palihawadana

Location: Sala Felix


Modeling the Diffusion of Mwallets for Developed and Emerging Markets: Marketing Potential and Strategic Implications

V. Kumar, Nandini Nim and Amit Agarwal


Export Product Development Exploitation and Exploration and Performance: Linear, Moderated, Complementary and Non-Linear Effects

Ana Lisboa, Dionysis Skarmeas and Stavros Drakopoulos


Role of Cultural Value in the Effect of Cultural Distance

Hyeyoon Jung, Peter Magnusson and Yi Peng


Successful and Failed Market Entries – Experiential Learning and Market Decision Logics

Martin Johanson, Luis Oliveira, Heléne Lundberg and Stylianos Papaiouannou 


Antecedents and Consequences of Ethically-based Export Marketing Strategy: The Moderating Roles of Foreign Market Competitive Intensity and Regulatory Framework

Aditi Rana, Leonidas C. Leonidou, Dayananda Palihawadana and Constantinos N. Leonidou



08:00-09:30 Session 1B: Global Marketing Communications

Session Chair: Pejvak Oghazi

Location: Sala Blas 


Promoting Sports Team Brands to International Fans Through Virtual Communities: Evidence from an Emerging Economy Market

Norman Peng, Annie Chen and Kuang-Peng Hung


Change in Mind, Change of Heart: A Cognitive Appraisal Theory Perspective on Brand Origin Misperceptions

Timo Mandler, Fabian Bartsch and Mira Börke 


Connecting Culture to eWOM: Homophily Mediates Collectivism’s Effect on Online Word-of-Mouth

Todd Pezzuti and James Leonhardt


Delineating User Generated Content to Profile Travelers: A Cross-National Approach

Rodoula Tsiotsou and Eleni Mavragani


Does Engagement with the Brand lead to Loyalty? The Mediating role of Brand Community

Mark Mills, Magnus Hultman and Aristeidis Theotokis



08:00-09:30 Session 1C Global Supply Chain

Session Chair: Attila Yaprak

Location: Sala Piero 


Leasing, Modularity and the Circular Economy

Atalay Atasu, Vishal Agrawal and Sezer Ulku 


Do Local Supplier Transaction Specific Investments Encourage International Buyer Opportunism? An

Empirical Analysis of Cross-border Outsourcing Relationships

Lei Wang and Chun Zhang


Accurate Response in Agricultural Supply Chains

Prithveesha Govinda Bhaskara, Cerag Pince and Enver Yucesan


Supply Chain Responsiveness and International Supply Chain Performance: The Role of Strategic Orientations and Strategic Collaboration

Shahin Assadinia, Ismail Gölgeci, Vita Kadile and David M Gligor


Internationalization of a Digital Service Provider: The Role of Digital Artifacts

Arto Ojala, Sara Fraccastoro and Mika Gabrielsson



09:30-9.45 Tea and Coffee Break - Foyer



09:45-11:15 Session 2: Plenary Session I: Developments in Global Marketing Session

Chair: Satish Jayachandran

Location: Sala Felix



Gerard J. Tellis, University of Southern California

Sandy Jap, Emory University

V. Kumar, Georgia State University

Mark Peterson, University of Wyoming



11:15-11:30 Tea and Coffee Break - Foyer



11:30-13:00 Session 3A Cross-cultural Consumer Behavior 

Session Chair: Athina Zeriti


Understanding the Chinese Consumers Through Cirque du Soleil’s Show in Macau: The Case of Zaia

Joseph Sy-Changco and Yizhou Yuan


Nudging Cookies

Loris Rubini and Deniz Ozabaci


Building Social Relationships and Sense of Community through Collaborative Consumption Engagement

Agnieszka Malecka, Maciej Mitrega and Gregor Pfajfar


When Friends Become Strangers: How Culture and Source Affect Consumers’ Reactions to Incentivized Reviews

Dionysius Ang, Maximilian H. E. E. Gerrath and Yeyi Liu


Cross-cultural Differences in the Value Attached to Luxury Products: Evidence from Eight Countries

Thao Nguyen and George Balabanis



11:30-13:00 Session 3B Global Marketing Strategy I

Session Chair: Seigyoung Auh

Location: Sala Blas 


Developing Dynamic Capabilities for Export Venture Growth: A Study of Turkish Export Manufacturing SMEs

Merve Turgut, Constantine Katsikeas, Bulent Menguc and Stavroula Spyropoulou


Achieving Export Competitive Advantage: Can Global Orientation and Export Product Adaptation be Reconciled?

Eleni Tsougkou, John W. Cadogan, Ian R. Hodgkinson, João S. Oliveira, Asmat Nizam Abdul-Talib, Vicky M. Story, Nathaniel Boso, Stella Despoudi and Eleni Lioliou


Global Expansion Strategies for Multinationals from Emerging Markets

Jagdish Sheth and Can Uslay


The Mediating Effect of Construal Level Mindset on International Marketing Strategy Decisions

Christina Papadopoulou, Magnus Hultman and Aristeidis Theotokis


A Differential Analysis of International Financial Dependence, Exports and Share of Foreign Equity on Firm Performance During Crisis vs High Growth Periods

Aysegul Özsomer and Ali Çakal



11:30-13:00 Session 3C Firm Internationalization, Services, and E-commerce

Session Chair: Guillermo D’Andrea

Location: Sala Piero 


Influence Of Service Sensitivity and Country of Origin on Consequences of Offshore Service Sentiment

Shawn Thelen, Gary Gregory and Tony Lu


Critical Roles of Perceived Values and Motivations in M-Commerce Usage Across International Markets

Abdul Ashraf, Narongsak Thongpapanl, Ali Anwar and Luciano Lapa


Internationalization Strategy in Different Historical Contexts: Critical Junctures and Path Dependency

Tanja Leppäaho and Eriikka Paavilainen-Mäntymäki


Reciprocal Use of Real Options as a Mode of Entry

Bent Petersen, Christian Geisler Asmussen and Mikael Hilmersson

How Global Identity Impact Global Digital Brands: The Case of Indonesia

Katerina Makri, Karolos-Konstantinos Papadas and Bodo Schlegelmilch


13:00 Free afternoon to explore Buenos Aires



Wednesday 22nd May



08:00-09:30 Session 4A  Global Innovation and New Product Development

Session Chair: Terrence Brown

Location: Sala Felix


Genetic Distance As A Proxy For Cultural Distance: An Empirical Investigation Of Its Impact On Cross- Country Innovation Launches In The Packaged Food Industry

Verdiana Giannetti and Gaia Rubera


The Impact of Disruption on Firm Innovation and Performance

Oluwaseun Olabode, Nathaniel Boso, Constantinos N. Leonidou and Magnus Hultman


Knowledge Transfer Complexities between Headquarters and Subsidiaries of Multinational Corporations in Emerging Markets: A Resource-Advantage Theory Perspective

Aniruddha Pangarkar


Innovation Failure and Patents Application: Does it Matter for Attracting Foreign R&D Funds?

Yu Li and Karena Yan


Synthesizing International Entrepreneurial Branding Research: Thematic Analysis and Ontological Perspective

Samuel Kusi, Peter Gabrielsson and Leonidas C. Leonidou



08:00-09:30 Session 4B  Global Consumer Research Session

Chair: Flora Kokkinaki

Location: Sala Blas 


When Anti-Globalization Stance and Global Brand Preference Coexist: The Curious Case of Conservative- Leaning U.S. Consumers

Claudiu Dimofte


The “Indie” Premium: How Independent Firms Create Product Value Across Cultures

Alessandro Biraglia and Vasileios Davvetas


Cross-Cultural Experimental Research in International Marketing – An Avenue to Overcome the Etic-Emic Dilemma?

Hartmut Holzmueller, Sabrina Heix and Itzhak Gnizy


Learning Consumer Preferences from Text Data

Chris Glynn and Goksel Yalcinkaya


We’re Not So Different: Collectivism Increases Perceived Homophily and Seeking User-Generated Content in Social Media

James Leonhardt, Todd Pezzuti and Jae-Eun Namkoong



08:00-09:30 Session 4C Learning in the Global Classroom: Differentiating the Business Education Offer of a Global Business School

Session Chair: Robert Duke

Location: Sala Piero


Internationalisation At Home’: How European Business and Marketing Programmes Can Leverage In-School Opportunities to Develop the Critical Global Citizens Demanded by International Business Corporations

Tony Aldred


Resilience in the Global Classroom

Caterina Presi


Teaching Marketing Consultancy in a Global Classroom

Sally Chan


Uniting Nations Through Technology: Using Blended Learning in an International, Postgraduate Marketing Course

Tony Byng and Angela Carroll



09:30-10:00 Tea and Coffee Break / Interactive Poster Session - Foyer/Sala Blass


The Power of Zhongyong on Religiosity, Church Identification, and Hedonic and Utilitarian Consumption

Jianfeng Li, Hongping Liu and Shengliang Deng


Cross-National Comparison of Purchasing Behavior of Organic Foods: An Empirical Study

Md. Tareq Ibn Hossain, Muhammad Mohiuddin and Zhan Su


What’s in the News?” How Information in the News Concerning One Product Transfers in Terms of Country- of-Origin Effects to Consumers’ Perceptions of a Different Product

Rania W. Semaan and Stephen Gould


Singular Districts as a Diversification Strategy for Urban Tourism. Global Brands v / s Local brands. The case of Italia Distric (Chile) and Las Letras Distric (Madrid)

Stefania Pareti, Blanca García Henche and Erica Salvaj


Influence of Personal Aspects In The Country Of Origin Effect: Impacts of Consumer Generation And Extended Self On Purchase Intention

Sergio Garrido Moraes and Vivian Strehlau


Perceived Quality of Traceability Information and its Effect on Purchase Intention Towards Organic Food

Xiang Wu, Jie Xiong, Jie Yan and Han Wu

How Can Blockchain Technology Affect Consumer-Brand Relationships in Global Markets?

Achilleas Boukis, George Christodoulides and Nikoletta Siamagka


10:00-11:15 Session 5: Plenary Panel Discussion: Perspectives and Directions in Global Marketing

Session Chair: Costas Katsikeas

Location: Sala Felix



Jan-Benedict Steenkamp, University of North Carolina

Kelly Hewett, University of Tennessee

Valarie Zeithaml, University of North Carolina

Saeed Samiee, University of Tulsa



11:15-11:30 Tea and Coffee Break - Foyer



11.30-13:00 Session 6A: International Relationship Marketing and Channel Management

Session Chair: Anastasia Stathopoulou

Location: Sala Felix


A Closer Look at the Relationship between Brand Equity and Export Success in Experienced Exporters

Aysegul Özsomer and Ceren Sahin


Stressors and Opportunism: When and How Monitoring Matters in Intra and Inter Firm Relationships?

Ghasem Zaefarian, Zhaleh Najafi Tavani, Matthew Robson, Costas Katsikeas and Tomas Hult


The Future of B2B Marketing: Blockchains, Smart Contracts, and Cryptocurrencies

Mieszko Mazur


A Cross-Cultural Examination of the Role of Perceived Privacy on Benefits Derived From Loyalty Programs

Anastasia Stathopoulou and George Balabanis


Managing Risk Through Developing the Ethical Business Climate

Fauzia Jabeen and Sherine Farouk



11:30-13:00 Session 6B Global Marketing Strategy II

Session Chair: Katharina Zeugner-Roth

Location: Sala Blas


B2B Buying Behavior Frameworks for Emerging Markets

Brandon Gustafson, Atanas Nik Nikolov, Joy Jiang and Janell Townsend


Institutions and Small Local Firms’ Marketing Strategies in Sub-Saharan Africa

Adesegun Oyedele and Fuat Firat


The Firm Value and Marketing Intensity Decisions in Conditions of Financial Constraint: A Comparative study of the Unit States and Latin America

Walter Palomino, Juan Timana and Julio Cerviño


The Role of COO in Advertising: A Developed World Perspective

Katharina Zeugner-Roth and Fabian Bartsch


Impact of Trade Protectionism on Firm’s Brand Strategy: Evidence from an Emerging Economy

Vera Rebiazina, Olga Kusraeva and Alexander Krasnikov



11:30-13:00 Session 6C Global Ethics, Sustainability, and Corporate Social Responsibility

Session Chair: Paris Argouslidis

Location: Sala Piero


Relative Generosity: Factors Altering the Effectiveness of Cause Sponsorships

Abdullah Almashayekhi, Ruby Lee, Colleen Harmeling and Rachel Hochstein


Bridging the Disciplinary Gap between Natural and Economic Ecosystems for Sustainability in Fisheries Management

Attila Pohlmann


The Effects of Corporate Social Responsibility and Corporate Culture on Securing Frontline Service Employee Support during a Product-Harm Crisis

Aniruddha Pangarkar


The Differential Effects of Performance Aspirations on CSR Engagement: A Cross-Cultural Investigation

Charalampos Saridakis and Sofia Angelidou


Consumer Responses to Eco-Innovations: The Interactive Roles of Ecological Country-of-Manufacture, Eco- Friendly Attributes, and Need for Cognition

Nicholas G. Paparoidamis and Thi Thanh Huong - Jenny Tran



13:00-14:00 Lunch and Interactive Session

All posters from the interactive session on display during lunch - Foyer/Sala Blass



14:00-15:15 Session 7: Plenary  Session II: Publishing in Scholarly Academic Journals: Some Guideposts

Session Chair: David Stewart

Location: Sala Felix



Satish Jayachandran, University of South Carolina

Jan-Benedict Steenkamp, University of North Carolina

Jan Heide, University of Wisconsin

Kelly Hewett, University of Tennessee

Saeed Samiee, University of Tulsa

Costas Katsikeas, University of Leeds

Douglas Hughes, Michigan State University

Mark Peterson, University of Wyoming



15:15-15:30 Tea and Coffee Break - Foyer



15:30-17:00 Session 8A  Global Brand Management

Session Chair: Brett Josephson

Location: Sala Felix


Corporate Philanthropy and Perceptions of Brand Morality

Roumpini Tsakona, John Cadogan, Paul Hughes and Laura Marie Schons


Cultural Influence on Brand Personality Preferences: Individualists Prefer Sophisticated and Competent Brands while Collectivists Prefer Sincere Brands

Aulona Ulqinaku and Verdiana Giannetti


Determinants of Participation and Outcomes in a Cause Marketing Event: A Laddering Approach

Poh-Lin Yeoh


Employees as Brand Ambassadors: The Role of Employees in Turning the Country-of-Origin-Image (COI) into a Country-Specific Advantage (COI-CSA)

Mariana Suter, Alison Glaister and Felipe Borini


Internal Branding in the International Firm and Performance Implications

Katharina Maria Hofer



15:30-17:00 Session 8B  Global Entrepreneurship

Session Chair: Martin Johansson

Location: Sala Blas


Digital Entrepreneurial Marketing of Internationalizing SMEs: Case Evidence from the Health Sector

Man Yang and Peter Gabrielsson


How Does Entrepreneurial Orientation Matter in Exporting? The Mediating Role of Product Development Capabilities in the Linkage Between Entrepreneurial Orientation and Export Performance

Min Li, Xinming He, Carlos M.P. Sousa and Keith Brouthers


Knowledge Acquisition, Speed of Capability Development and Speed of SME Internationalization

Mikael Hilmersson and Martin Johanson


International Entrepreneurial Opportunity Recognition: The Influencing Role of Dynamic Capability

Linda Shi and Wade Danis


Export Venture Sustainability Strategies: An Examination of its Knowledge-Based Drivers, Boundary Conditions and Performance Consequences

Arinze Christian Nwoba and Nilay Bicakcioglu



15:30-17:00 Session 8C  Developments in Global Marketing and Strategy: Empirical, Methodological and Theoretical Challenges

Session Chair: Giuseppe Musarra

Discussant: Alessandro Biraglia

Location: Sala Piero


How Important are Home Country Environments? Their Impact on Resources’ Allocation and Export Performance

Raluca Mogos Descotes, Björn Walliser, Irena Vida, Hartmut Holzmueller and Dora Triki


Sustainable Marketing Programs: A Case of Developing Country

Arvind Yadav, Shahin Assadinia, and Tiago Botelho


Big Social Data and Experience Design in the International Tourism Market: Applying a Value Co-Creation Based Approach to the Pompeii Archaeological Site

Maria Teresa Cuomo, Debora Tortora, Giuseppe Festa, Alex Giordano, and Gerardino Metallo


How do Advertising and Distribution Exposure Create Brand Value? Differences for Domestic and Foreign Brands in Emerging Markets

Martin Heinberg, H. Erkan Ozkaya and Markus Taube


Dangerous Hello Kitty: Cuteness Consumption and Consumers’ Risk Perception in the Global Market

Alexis Yim, Annie Cui and Stephen He



19:30 Gala Dinner Palacio San Miguel

Coaches from Four Seasons to Palacio San Miguel provided (Leaving at  18:45)



Thursday 23rd May



09:00-12:30 SIG Meetings and Professional Development


12:30 Check out and Departure




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